ARTICLE 3: Purpose, Vision, Mission, and Core Tenets

Section 1: Purpose

The purpose of ICACO is to serve the diverse needs of Muslims in Aurora, Colorado and its surrounding

areas through activities and services including, but not limited to, religious, social, educational, and

charitable activities. ICACO shall do each and everything necessary and proper for the accomplishment of

this purpose including, but not limited to, the following:

• Conduct religious services and prayers.

• Teach and to disseminate the Islamic faith among Muslims and non-Muslims.

• Establish and maintain mosques, community centers, schools, and other institutions as necessary.

• Promote unity and strengthen fraternal bonds and relationships among Muslims.

• Revitalize cooperative endeavors with other Muslim organizations.

• Promote friendly relations and understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims.

All activities at ICACO shall be in conformity with local, state, and federal laws. ICACO shall be a non-profit,

non-political entity which shall duly qualify as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the

IRS code.

Section 2: Vision

The vision of ICACO is to be a leading organization providing enriching experiences and a dynamic

environment for Muslims in America to develop spiritually and flourish in all areas of life.

Section 3: Mission

To fulfill its purpose and vision, the mission of ICACO is:

• Establish an active mosque and community center reflective of ICACO vision and values.Bylaws Page 4

• Provide and support a full spectrum of high-quality activities, services, and resources for the

community delivered in a professional manner.

• Serve as a platform for community ideas and organizations.

• Inspire and develop the next generation of Muslims in America.

Section 4: Core Tenets

The core tenets of ICACO are:

1. The activities of ICACO shall be in accordance with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah as

practiced by the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and understood by his companions.

ICACO shall operate under the Sunni sect of Islam.

2. The principle of shūrā (consultation) shall be the governing principle in arriving at decisions with

no single individual’s decision carrying more weight than another’s.

3. ICACO shall strive to procure in its affairs the participation and representation of Muslims of all

races, gender, national origin, linguistic or ethnic backgrounds, and Islamic schools of

jurisprudence, without giving preference to any group.

4. ICACO shall strive to create an open and welcoming environment for the entire family including

children, young adults, and unmarried singles in its facilities and activities.

5. ICACO will ensure that everyone, regardless of their level of īmān (faith) and practice of Islam, is

given the opportunity to grow spiritually and enhance the practice of Islam in their daily lives.

6. ICACO will ensure that both men and women have equal opportunities to lead and participate in

all its activities within the bounds of the Sharia. This includes 1) opportunities for women to

address gatherings while ensuring that Islamic etiquettes are followed, 2) opportunities for

women to run for various positions within the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees, 3)

arranging seating at community meetings and lectures such that both men and women have equal

opportunities to engage/interact with speakers, and 4) that there will not be a full partition in the

prayer space(s) to allow women the opportunity to see speakers and be included in the


7. Where taken as a whole, Khutbahs (Friday and Eid sermons) should be uplifting and inspire

positive action. Khutbahs should be relevant and practical to daily life and appeal to everyone in

the audience. Khutbahs will start and end on time.

8. ICACO activities, meetings, and sermons will be conducted in English.

Become part of Masjid Ar-Rahmah’s Board of Directors (Deadline:September 30th, 2024)

Board of Directors (BoD) Qualifications (ICACO Bylaws Article 6 Section 4):

  • Have sound Islamic beliefs and practices.

  • Abstain from kabāʾir (major Islamic violations).

  • Shall not engage in the business of selling alcohol, lottery tickets, gambling or other Islamically prohibited practices.

  • Be a regular attendee of ICACO and an active participant as a volunteer or leader of activities at ICACO.

  • Be committed to supporting ICACO by all means.

  • Be able to perform the responsibilities of their officer or non-officer role and adhere to the policies of ICACO.

  • Have good people management skills.

  • Have good communication skills necessary to conduct the affairs of ICACO including verbal, written, and electronic such as email.

  • Be firmly committed to upholding the purpose, vision, mission, and core tenets of ICACO as outlined in ICACO Bylaws ARTICLE 3.

  • Must not be a paid employee of ICACO.

  • Must have a clear record when a criminal background check is performed.

  • Must be a legal resident or citizen of the United States of America and can provide necessary documentation, when and if requested.

  • Must not be serving in a leadership capacity for another organization whose actions or values contradict the purpose or core tenets of ICACO, nor be serving in a leadership capacity for another organization that would pose a conflict of interest for that individual.

Board of Director Positions

All Positions Apply Here